A Case of Artificially-Induced High Myopia and Implications for the Mechanism of Accommodation

By Rich McCollim

Is it possible that the almost universally accepted theory of accommodation is 
wrong? The following is an account of an experiment which produced a very 
surprising and unexpected result which calls into question current theory. 

The standard explanation of myopia is that in the myopic eye, the light rays 
passing through the crystalline lens come to a focus in front of the retina, 
and that this is usually caused by the eyeball being too long. The result is 
blurred vision for objects at a distance. I decided to test this theory by 
compress-ing the eyeball, with the idea that this would lengthen it 
longitudinally (by compressing it approximately in the middle). In other 
words, the object of the experiment was to deliberately produce myopia. My 
method for compressing the eyeball is explained in Appendix A. 

Since I could hardly ask someone to be the subject of an experiment designed 
to worsen his vision, the subject of the experiment necessarily had to myself. 

I reasoned that if I did succeed in lengthening the eyeball, then my vision 
for distance would become blurred, i.e. I would become myopic. However, 
because I was already myopic (O.D. -7.75-1.25; O.S. -5.50 -1.50), the object 
of the experiment would be to increase the degree of myopia. 

I began to wear the device, strapped to my head, for three to four hours per 
day (used for distance vision only) and periodically checked my visual acuity 
for any sign of increased blur. After several weeks of this regimen I noted 
the first definite sign of change--but precisely the OPPOSITE of what I had 
predicted: my visual acuity for distance had definitely increased! In fact, 
with continual wearing of the device I eventually reached the point that my 
visual acuity (which for many years had been myopic, with uncorrected acuity 
at around 20/  ) was in the range of 20/30 - 20/40. To a lifelong myope this 
seemed almost the equivalent of perfectly clear vision. At the time I was 35 
years old and had been wearing corrective lenses, of gradually increased 
power, since the age of six. 

       It seemed obvious that this remarkable change in acuity had been caused 
by something to do with the experiment, but by what means? Another puzzling 
factor, was that even with my near-sharp acuity, blur was still present. The 
subjective experience of this effect was as if two photographic trans-
parencies, one blurred and one sharp, were superimposed one on the other. 
It should be made clear that this was monocular, and approximately to the same 
degree in each eye. The crucial question was, how had squeezing the eye 
produced dual vision? There are a few reports in the literature on double 
focal points resulting from cataracts, but this case was clearly different. 

 I hypothesized that the creation of dual vision was the result of contraction 
of the superior oblique muscles which had exerted pressure on the globe, which 
was transmitted through the sclera to the vitreous, forcing the vitreous 
against the back of the lens and flattening its periphery. Rays passing 
through this outer region of the lens came to a focus at a point very close to 
the retina, which produced the secondary image (clear vision), while the rays 
passing through the axial (central) region of the lens came to a focus in 
front of the retina, which produced the primary image, which was severely 
blurred. Moreover, this blur was of much greater degree than the blur of my 
original myopia. In other words, I had increased the degree of my myopia by 
some 5 diopters in less than two months! My original lenses had become totally 
inadequate, and I required a new prescription: O.D. -11.75 -2.25; O.S. .9.00 -

The Persistence of Accommodation and the Etiology of Myopia 

The creation of a dual mode of vision was quite remarkable, but another 
intriguing finding was that the dual vision persisted even after the 
experiment was stopped. I reasoned that the lens had become permanently 
distorted as a result of vitreous pressure. Further, despite the nearly sharp 
acuity, this was present in only one of the two modes of vision, and that in 
the other I had become much more myopic. (This, of course, quickly dampened my 
initial enthusiasm that I had discovered a cure for myopia). The most 
significant point, however, is that these changes in acuity came principally 
not from elongation of the globe, but rather from changes in the shape of the 
crystalline lens. So, the object of the experiment was achieved--increased 
myopia; in fact my visual acuity with my original corrective lenses had 
deteriorated drastically (around 5 diopters) in less than two months. I 
eventually concluded that what I had was a case of spherical aberration 
carried to an extreme degree. (See Spherical Aberration in Appendix B). 

If it were true that the cause of my dual vision was spherical aberration 
resulting from deformation of the lens, then the lens had become accommodated, 
since accommodation is always accompanied by spherical aberration, and vice 
versa. Therefore, the persistence of dual vision indicated that the 
accommodation also persisted. In other words, I had increased my myopia 
remarkably, but as a side effect had created a second mode of vision close to 


I concluded that the bizarre results of this experiment had major implications 
for the conventional wisdom about eye mech-anisms in several areas. I could be 
cautious here, but why be reticent? ii	1. The Helmholtz-Fincham theory of accommodation is wrong.    Accommodation is actuated by contraction of the ciliary muscle, true, but probably not by relaxation of the  zonule so much as pulling the vitreous against the   posterior surface of the lens.

2. The principal cause of myopia resides in the lens, and to a lesser degree in axial length.

3. The argument that myopic lenses are not accommodated because they tend to be thin is wrong. This could be explained by long-term compression, which produces a permanently accommodated lens in which only the periphery is flattened. 

4. The extraocular muscles can cause the lens to accommodate.

Obviously, these statements directly contradict much of the conventional knowledge about eye mechanisms, for which there is a mountain of evidence. Below I will attempt to answer.

The Zonule Relaxation Theory of Accommodation

If the dual vision observed was caused by vitreous pressure, then the Helmholtz-Fincham theory of accommodation can not be correct. Briefly, the Helmholtz-Fincham theory states that the lens accommodates by means of relaxation of the zonular fibers. "Accommodation results from decreased tension: the driving 
force--the motor--is the lens capsule. The decreased tension theory is attributed to Helmholtz. Considering the evidence, there is little reason to still call it a theory. Its only serious rival, proposed by Tscherning at the turn of the century, just survives by textbook repetition." (5, p. 87)

The hypothesis of vitreous pressure comes up against three exceptionally strong arguments. The conventional view is that:

1) The vitreous is unimportant in accommodation. This is proven by experiments in which accommodation occurs even without the presence of the vitreous in cases of vitrectomized eyes.

2) When the lens is freed from zonular tension, it assumes a more spherical shape, i.e. increases its power.

3) The zonular fibers relax during accommodation. When accommodation is observed in an eye in which the iris is absent, thereby exposing the zonules to view, they are clearly seen to relax their tension.

My answers to these objections are as follows:

1) That the vitreous is not required for the eye to accommodate. Almost all 
eye researchers support this view. For example, Fisher states that "The 
vitreous plays a negligible role during accommodation in modifying the 
position or shape of the lens." Burian and Allen state that "...our 
observations on the periphery of the vitreous surface strongly suggest that 
the vitreous body, far from pressing on the periphery of the lens, was 
actually under reduced tension during accommodation." (8) 

However, a few researchers contradict this view. Araki reported that in 
experiments on pig, dog and cat eyes, "...it is suggested that tension of the 
ciliary muscle/zonules stretching from the posterior surface of the lens was 
increased by forward movement of the ciliary body and consequently it resulted 
in pressure to the posterior _peripheral_ (my emphasis) part of the lens...the 
increase in pressure of the vitreous body due to contraction of the accom-
modative muscle is considered  to be the most important factor for the 
transformation of the lens." (10) 

Suzuki performed an experiment in which he injected radiopaque material into 
the vitreous of a cat's eye, which during accommodation moved in a direction 
indicating that the vitreous was forced against the back of the lens and also 
somewhat toward the posterior pole of the lens." (11) 

An experiment by Koke produced a similar result. He injected cat eyes with 
radiopaque material and took X-rays during miosis and mydriasis, which showed 
that during accommodation the vitreous moved toward the lens and inward toward 
the optic axis. (12) 

The experiment that is most closely related to mine, because it involved 
external pressure on the globe, is that of von Pflugk. He cut windows in the 
equatorial region of bovine eyes and injected a drop of dye into the anterior 
vitreous, midway between the ciliary body and the posterior pole of the lens. 
Pressing against the ciliary body from the outside in a radial direction made 
the dye move toward the lens capsule. (13) 

2. The second objection to the vitreous/lens hypothesis is undoubtedly the 
strongest of all: the demonstration that when freed from the tension of the 
zonule, the lens assumes a more spherical form. 

It is probable that the experiments of Fincham, more than any other factor, 
tilted opinion away from Tscherning's theory and towards that of von 
Helmholtz. In what is undoubtedly the demonstration that clinched the case for 
zonular relaxation once and for all, he showed conclusively that without the 
tension of the zonule, the lens becomes more spherical. An eye was made to 
accommodate for distance viewing by the instillation of atropine and then 
removed from the orbit and pointed upward after dissection of the cornea and 
iris. The profile of the lens can then be photographed, and in this condition 
it demonstrates the characteristics shape of the lens when the eye is looking 
at a distance. However, when the fibers of the zonule are severed all around 
by the sharp edge of a knife, the curvature of the anterior surface increases 
markedly and "assumes the shape that it has under maximum accommodation," i.e. 
the lens becomes thicker, as is clearly seen in the photographs taken by 

This appears to be an unassailable argument. To recapitulate: when the 
zonules that hold the lens in place are cut, the lens immediately becomes more 
spherical, which obviously increases its power, a highly convincing 

To counter this argument requires rejection, not of Fincham's observation (the 
photographic evidence is too strong for that) but of his interpretation. When 
the zonules were cut and the lens became more spherical, he ASSUMED that the 
consequent change in the shape of the lens was the same as that which occurs 
in accommodation. Could this be a non sequitur? I believe that it is at least 

It is not inconceivable that the shape he observed was not the shape that 
occurs in accommodation but merely looked like it. It is possible that the 
lens could assume a more spherical shape under _two_ different conditions: 1) 
When released from the tension of the zonule and 2) When molded by vitreous 
pressure, with only the latter being true accommodation. 

3. The third objection is based on the well-documented evidence that when the 
lens accommodates, the zonular fibers relax their tension. The vitreous/lens 
hypothesis, however, requires that there be some means to counteract the 
vitreous pressure. If the lens is pushed forward by the vitreous, what could 
hold the lens in its place? Obviously, the zonular fibers could not fulfill 
this function if they are relaxed. 

Although most of the standard textbooks on ophthalmology state simply that in 
accommodation the zonular fibers relax their tension, this is not the whole 
story. Several investigators have shown that there are TWO sets of fibers, and 
that while the anterior fibers relax in accommodation, the posterior fibers 
either remain tensed or increase their tension. I suspect that acceptance of 
the relaxation theory was due in part to the fact that the anterior fibers, 
being the most easily observed, were the first to be discovered and studied. 

Evidence for the existence of two sets of zonular fibers has been reported by 
several investigators. According to Suzuki, "during accommodation the 
posterior valley became swollen toward the inner direction of the eyeball. 
This could account for the relaxation of the zonules attached to the anterior 
surface of the ciliary muscle. 

"During more advanced accommodation, the anterior valley sank toward the outer 
direction of the eyeball. This could account for the *contraction* of the 
zonules attached to the posterior surface of the lens (italics added). (11) 

An experiment by Araki showed that "electric recordings of the changes in 
tension of the ciliary zonules suggested relaxation of the zonules which was 
(sic) stretched to the anterior surface of the lens and on the contrary, 
increased tension of that stretching to the posterior surfa (cat and dog 
eyes). (10) 

The Iris

Although it is possible that tension of the posterior zonular fibers might be 
sufficient to withstand the pressure of the vitreous against the lens, I find 
this unconvincing. 

What other mechanism could hold the lens in place? An obvious candidate would 
be the iris, if it weren't for the fact that more than a hundred years ago von 
Graefe showed that the lens can accommodate perfectly well even when the iris 
is not present. The anterior surface of the lens is slightly conoidal, and 
earlier investigators proposed that this was caused by constriction by the 
iris, the lens being molded by being forced through the opening of the pupil. 

Apparently, von Graefe's demonstration was all that was needed to disprove the 
iris hypothesis, yet it would seem unwise to base such an important conclusion 
on a single case. Further-more, as I suggested above, when the lens is 
released from traction, the more spherical form that it assumes may not be 
true accommodation. If this is correct, and if the full amplitude of 
accommodation seen by von Graefe was not true accommodation, then his 
conclusion that the iris is not required for accommodation may be wrong. 

It is highly improbable that with the vast amount of research done on the 
iris, such an important function as counterpressure on the lens could remain 
undetected. Yet a number of reports do suggest an iris/lens connection. And it 
is interesting that the researchers themselves seem to be surprised by their 
findings. Lowe reported that "During examination of a large series of eyes 
that had pupils dilated after peripheral iridectomy...I was struck by the 
marked curvature of the anterior lens surface within the enlarged pupil. +The 
lens frequently appeared as though it were herniating through the enlarged 
pupil, with the pupillary margin of the iris seeming to grip the lens." (15) 

Jampel and Mindel, in a report on stimulation  of the oculomotor nucleus in 
monkeys, observed changes "... characterized by a conspicuous forward bulging 
of the pupillary or central portion of the iris which produced a marked 
convexity of the iris diaphragm and a marked increase in the depth of the 
anterior chamber...On observation of the eye from the side during iris-bulge, 
the central portion of the lens appeared to become conoidal and to move 
forward into the anterior chamber." (17)   

Although it is generally believed that the changes in lens shape in 
accommodation occur principally in the anterior surface of the lens, the 
hypothesis proposed here suggests that the posterior surface might undergo 
equal or greater changes due to its direct contact with the vitreous. 

In the rhesus monkey there is a similar mechanism involving the iris and the 
sphincter muscle, although it is not clear which of these is of greater 
importance in molding the lens. 

Burian and Allen reported that "The most remarkable change was seen in the 
middle one-third of the body of the iris. This part of the iris bowed backward 
during active accommodation, forming a deep hollow, and returned to its normal 
position when the eye was relaxed." 

And Suzuki states that "Concerning the iris, its silhouette was a slightly 
curved line, being convex anteriorly in the form of a physiological 'iris 
bombe'. On stimulation, the iris showed a peculiar change. That is, besides 
the change of the contraction of he pupil, the iris was bent reversely to the 
posterior chamber, so that the central half of the iris was held in contact 
with the anterior surface of the lens and the iris-lens apposition became 
tighter over a much larger area." 

All four of these reports describe the iris as being pressed against the lens, 
and two of them note that the conoid form of the lens appears to be the result 
of bulging through the pupil. Could the iris play a major role in 
accommodation after all? This may appear too speculative to be taken 
seriously,, yet the iris/lens mechanism is a well-documented fact in certain 
birds and mammals. According to Walls, "The avian iris is always of material 
assistance during accommodation in holding back the lens against which it 
presses, and in inhibiting the peripheral part of the anterior surface of the 
lens from bulging, thus concentrating the change-of-curvature in the part of 
the surface opposite the pupil." (18) 
Posterior and interior lens changes 

The conventional wisdom that the principal changes occur in the anterior lens 
was challenged by Patnaik, who wrote that "...the often stated and commonly 
accepted statement, that it is the anterior lens surface which moves forward 
while the posterior surface remains stationary and that it is only the 
anterior surface which changes its curvature during accommodation seems not to 
be correct. 

"Our observations strongly indicate that during accommodation the increase in 
the thickness of the anterior cortex is minimal, and that the change in the 
posterior cortex is greater, and that in the nuclear thickness change is 
greatest."  This last may be especially significant because is raises the 
possibility that the principal source of increased lens power in myopes could 
be the nucleus. 

Young also commented on the importance of the posterior surface: "The pressure 
changes in the vitreous chamber may also play a role in the process of 
accommodation, since the back lens surface could be molded by the increase in 
pressure more effectively than the front lens surface. Unpublished phakometric 
studies now indicate that the back lens surface contributes almost twice as 
much to the total vergence of light and is second only to the cornea in its 
refractive power. The attachment of the hyaloid membrane to the back lens 
surface may play a major role in the development of the greater lens power of 
the back lens surface. There is some evidence from children (sic) phakometry 
that the back lens may have several curvatures rather than the simple, 
monotonic curve of the front lens surface." 

The Lens Capsule 

When Helmholtz first proposed his relaxation theory of accommodation, it was 
criticized on the ground that relaxation of the zonule failed to explain how 
the anterior central region of the lens assumes a conoidal shape. Tscherning 
claimed that this could only be produced by pressure from the vitreous, which 
he believed molded the softer cortex of the lens around the harder nucleus. 
Fincham thought he found an answer in evidence that the thickness of the lens 
capsule varies, and he believed that these minute differences in thickness 
were sufficient to impose a conoidal shape on the anterior surface of the lens 

Although it is conceivable that the capsule could mold the lens to a slight 
degree in this manner, the evidence from my own experiment indicates that this 
explanation is insufficient. Because the degree of spherical aberration was so 
extreme, which indicated extreme flattening of the periphery of the lens, it 
is difficult to believe that it could have been produced by such minute 
differences in capsule thickness. In fact, the contrary could be argued just 
as persuasively: that the differences in capsule thickness could be the RESULT 
of pressure on the lens. The thin segment of the capsule in the anterior axial 
area could  be caused by stretching of the capsule, while the thin posterior 
segment could be caused by the vitreous squeezing the capsule against the 

The Extraocular Muscle Hypothesis

The hypothesis that the extraocular muscles play a role in the causation of 
myopia is certainly not new. It has been suggested by numerous investigators 
over the years. A major difference, however, is that in none of these 
hypotheses has it been proposed that they have any effect on the lens. All are 
limited to the concept of elongation of the globe, usually through elevation 
of the intraocular pressure. 

The case is similar  with regard to the numerous hypotheses that propose 
contraction of the ciliary muscle as a cause of myopia. They all postulate 
that such contraction elongates the globe, and do not suggest any effect on 
the lens. 

The Persistence of  Accommodation and the Etiology of Myopia 

A significant feature of the experiment was the amount of time in which the 
lens was subjected to pressure and, I believe, accommodation. An eye whose 
lens remains accommodated will show blurred vision for distance gaze. But the 
lens is not supposed to remain accommodated when the stimulus for 
accommodation is removed. According to orthodox theory, accommodation is 
maintained only as long as the gaze is directed at a near object. When the 
gaze is shifted to a distant object, the lens reverts almost immediately to 
the unaccommodated form required for distance vision. The consensus of opinion 
is that these accommodative changes take about one second. I believe that this 
view is too restrictive, probably a result of too much reliance on laboratory 
studies that deal only with momentary accom-modation, and that there is a 
crucial difference between momen-tary and repeated prolonged accommodation. 

The persistence of dual vision in my own case, as well as the findings of a 
number of investigators on the slowness of lens changes, leads to the 
conclusion that the longer a lens is maintained in a particular form, the 
longer it takes to return to its original form when released. Further, with 
high degrees of deformation the lens does not return entirely to its original 
form. In my case, the sharp image persisted for more than four years before it 
gradually began to disappear. I assume that this was due to a gradual decrease 
in the degree of flattening of the periphery when the pressure was removed. 
Since the blurred component of the image remained largely unchanged, 
apparently this was because the central region of the lens changed very 

On the question of the slowness of lens changes, I am not alone. Lancaster 
states that "...if the accommodation is maintained a few minutes at the 
maximum, the near point does get nearer and the eye may become accommodated 
20% to 30% or more, nearer than at the first. If the near point at the start 
was 6 D. it may become 7, 8, or 9 D. This...is due to the viscosity of the 
lens substance. An immediate rapid (about one second) change takes place when 
the lens adjusts itself for a near object, but if a maximum effort of 
accommodation continues to be made, the lens slowly (5 to 10 minutes) goes on 
changing its shape and becoming more strongly refractive. 

"Commonly, when the eye, after such an intense effort of accommodation, is 
shifted to a distant object, although the ciliary muscle may promptly relax, 
it takes time (a few seconds to a few minutes depending on how long the near 
effort was continued) for the lens to regain its normal shape adapted to a 
distance. This is due to the viscosity which makes a change in the shape slow" 

Other investigators have also demonstrated the slowness of lens changes. 
According to Kikkawa and Sato, "Application of an external force to the lens 
caused a rapid deformation followed by a second phase of slow deformation. On 
removal of the force, a rapid partial reversal of the deformation occurred and 
was followed by a gradual restoration; complete recovery was not achieved. 

Kabe reported a similar result from his investigations. He showed that when 
accommodation is increasing, the change in the apparent curvature of the 
anterior surface of the lens is slow and continuous, but when accommodation is 
decreasing, there is a prompt, followed by a slow phase (21). 

The idea that myopia could be the result of increased lens power has always 
been countered by a very strong argument. If in myopic eyes the lenses are 
permanently accommodated, they would tend to be thicker than the lenses of 
emmetropes. Not only is this not true, but in general, myopic eyes tend to 
have even thinner lenses than emmetropes. As far as myopia is concerned, there 
is a clear consensus of opinion as to the importance of the lens: It ranks 
very low. 

"Three variables, then, the axial length, the shape of the cornea, and the 
power of the crystalline lens, exert the greatest effect upon refraction. 
There is good agreement among authors as to the relative influence which each 
of these exerts, the axial length being the greatest, followed by the cornea 
and lens in that order. There are minor disagreements among investigators as 
to the relative importance of the lest of these three elements, the 
crystalline lens: Van Alphen's work suggests perhaps the lowest estimate of 
the importance of the lens. However, all investigators arrive at the same 
order of importance, and at relative values not too different from those 
obtained by others". 

Sorsby seemed to be puzzled by the existence of thin lenses in myopes and 
tried to find a way out of the difficulty be speculating about the tension of 
the zonule. He stated that, "Obviously, a large fairly spherical eye will have 
not only a long anteropsterior axis but also a flatter cornea. Flattening of 
the lens in a large eye is more difficult to understand, but a more marked 
tension on the suspensory ligaments may be a possible factor." 

The barrier to a resolution of this contradiction seems to be the belief that 
a thin lens can not be an accommodated lens. But if the slowness of lens 
changes is correct, and there seems to be no dispute about this, then in 
myopes the lens must be accommodated. Consider the case of a myope with a 
history of nearwork, e.g. with hour after hour of reading over months and 
years. It could very well be that with repeated periods of prolonged 
accommodation the lens, with its slow reaction time, would never return 
completely to the unaccommodated state. 

The conventional wisdom is that the lenses of myopes are not only not of the 
same power as emmetropes, but are of even lower power. How can this be? It 
would appear that eye research is so compartmentalized that two such 
contradictory facts--thin lenses in myopes and the slowness of lens changes--
can go unnoticed and unresolved. 

The possibility that a lens subjected to frequent prolonged accommodation for 
months and years may not have the same shape as a lens that is ad for months 
and years may not have the same shape as a lens that is accommodated 
momentarily has apparently not been considered. 

The hypothesis of vitreous pressure suggests that such prolonged pressure 
might produce a lens with a flattened periphery but with a high degree of 
curvature in the axial region, i.e. a lens that is thin yet accommodated. I 
have found only one reference in the literature that even indirectly supports 
this hypothesis. In a study of accommodation, Otsuka stated that "the thicker 
the lens became during accommodation, the thinner the lens became annually." 
This is intriguing, but unfortunately he did not elaborate. 

It may be that a single factor, external pressure on the globe, produces two 
separate effects, in opposite directions: anteriorly it accommodates the lens, 
and posteriorly it elongates the globe. I believe that one consequence of this 
dual effect is that axial elongation has masked the role of the lens. With 
such a logical and easily demonstrated explanation available, there has been 
little incentive to look for an additional factor, and thus the lens has been 
practically ignored. 

The indications that external pressure had produced accommodation by forcing 
the vitreous against the lens suggests the possibility that the vitreous plays 
a part in normal accommodation, i.e. that the experiment mimicked what happens 
in normal accommodation. It is possible that in normal accommodation, 
contraction of the ciliary muscle pulls the vitreous forward against the lens 
(as suggested by Cramer in 1851, and later by Tscherning), whereas in this 
experiment the vitreous was _pushed_forward by external pressure exerted on 
the globe. 

Theory versus Observation 

Curiously, there is a case of photographic evidence that the lens becomes 
thinner with accommodation, even momentary accommodation. This appears in a 
paper by Burian and Allen which shows photographs of the lens during three 
stages: 1) Relaxation of accommodation; 2) Active accommodation; and 3) Active 
accommodation (apparently further). However, instead of showing that the lens 
thickens with accommodation, it shows precisely the opposite. In each 
photograph it can be clearly seen that the lens becomes progressively thinner, 
at least in the peripheral area. 

These photographs are reproduced in Duke-Elder's System of Ophthalmology (25, 
p. 163--possibly different pages in other editions) and in a more recent work 
by the late David Michaels, Visual Optics and Refraction. Nevertheless, except 
for noting the flatness of the posterior surface of the lens, none of these 
authors comment on the striking fact that the lens clearly becomes thinner as 
it accommodates. In fact, in the text preceding the photographs, Duke-Elder 
states: "All are agreed that the lens increases in thickness during 
accommodation" (!!). It seems that theory is more potent than direct 

An additional note on this photograph: Burian and Allen state that "our 
observations on the periphery of the vitreous surface strongly suggested that 
the vitreous body, far from pressing upon the periphery of the lens, was 
actually under reduced tension during accommodation." They believe that the 
evidence for this is the bowing back of the vitreous, which they believe 
creates "an optically empty space in front of the vitreous." They fail to 
explain how this "optically empty space" could occur. A possible explanation 
is that this space, apparently the canal of Petit (the space between the 
zonule and the vitreous) has expanded from an inflow of aqueous under 
pressure. Johnson demonstrated such an inflow by the use of dyes, and he 
believed that accommodation was actuated by hydraulic pressure exerted around 
the periphery of the lens (9). Duke-Elder dismissed this as a "bizarre 
hydraulic theory," but the opening and closing of the trabecular meshwork by 
the action of the ciliary muscle does suggest a hydraulic component of 

Lens Changes Hidden 

If significant lens changes do occur in the posterior surface of the lens, 
this would be one more example of how the clues to lens involvement in myopia 
are hidden. 

Consider the case of a myope who undergoes a routine eye examination. If he 
has a moderate degree of myopia, the posterior surface of the lens could be 
flattened just enough to have created a second focal point. However, the 
examiner would never discover this for two reasons: He will probably not look 
for something whose existence he is unaware of; and because the second focal 
point would not reach all the way to the retina, no clear secondary image is 
formed. Only with a particular lens power which would push the secondary focal 
point to the retina would a clear secondary image be formed. 

Additional Secondary Images 

In order to simplify this discussion, I have limited it to the primary and 
secondary focal points and their images. Actually, however, testing of myopes 
with different lens powers reveals that there are often other images, fainter 
and more difficult to detect, which indicate the presence of other focal 
points situated between the primary and secondary focal points. The origin of 
these could be the various isoindicial surfaces within the lens. Some high 
myopes, when tested with various lens powers, describe not a smooth, diffuse 
blur, but rather several superimposed blurred images. 

Although I didn't appreciate it at the time, it was fortunate that the first 
subject for the experiment was myself. What if I had found a willing 
emmetrope, or a subject with only a small degree of myopia? The outcome would 
probably been very different. The experiment would probably produced a small 
degree of myopia, partly from axial elongation and partly from lens changes 
(just as I believe occurs in normal myopia). 

The significant point, however, is that I would never have suspected the lens, 
but would have attributed the myopia to axial elongation alone. Because I was 
a myope of fairly high degree, I believe that flattening of the periphery of 
the lens was fairly well advanced, so that the secondary focal point was 
already located very close to the retina. It then required very little 
additional flattening to push all the way, or very close to, the retina, at 
which time I became aware of the secondary image. 

A laymen who reads textbooks on ophthalmology can easily get the impression of 
a solid edifice of knowledge built on firm foundations. Yet at least one 
researcher, Ludlam, suggests that some of the most basic facts about the eye 
are based on faulty data and should be re-evaluated. These include invalid 
mathematical assumptions, mixed sampling, inadequate experimental technique, 
and oversimplified models of the refractive system, some of these dating from 
the nineteenth century. 

"Nevertheless, the analyses and conclusions drawn from such studies can be no 
better than either the methods of acquisition of the basic data or the 
validity of the  assumptions underlying the mathematical formulation of the 
ocular model. 

"It is well to note that in all of these studies the model of the ocular 
system utilized has consisted of: 

1. Spherical refracting surfaces, causing a systematic under-estimation of the 
paraxial refracting power of each surface. 5. A homogeneous monoindicial lens. 
This places a high order of importance on the accuracy and precision of the 
measures of curvature of both the anterior and posterior surfaces of the lens 
and concomitantly increases the potential effects of spherical assumption. 

" In addition, in none of these studies have all the refractive components of 
any given eye been measured. There has always been _at least one_ component 
whose value was calculated from the other measured elements, so that the 
measurement errors would all tend to accumulate in the non-measured element. 
Since the measurement errors have not always been stated with sufficient 
clarity to enable the effects of these errors to be asses, the probability 
exists that measurement errors have contributed substantially to spurious 
correlations of measured and calculated elements, as for example between the 
lens and axial length." (29) 

To say that long-standing theories are not easily overturned is to state the 
obvious. As Kuhn put it, "...few scientists will easily be persuaded to adopt 
a viewpoint that again opens to question many problems that had previously 
been solved" (30, p. 169). Ophthalmology is no exception, and scattered 
reports in the literature that cast doubt on the conventional wisdom, for just 
one example, a case described by Luedde (31), are simply ignored. 

How Not to Cure Myopia 

The lens/vitreous hypothesis provides an explanation for the failure of two 
therapeutic measures aimed at preventing or slowing the progress of myopia: 
the use of cycloplegics, and base-in prisms. In the case of cycloplegics, they 
relax the ciliary muscle for only a few hours at a time, while the lens 
requires many months for a significant reduction in the degree of 
accommodation. More importantly, in all these regimens the subjects are 
permitted to continue doing nearwork, so that accommodation could still have 
been maintained largely by vitreous pressure alone. 

The use of base-in prisms to prevent convergence, and consequently 
accommodation has, I believe, failed for an unsuspected reason: the optical 
distortion inherent in such prisms. I used base-in prisms extensively in 
various experiments aimed at reducing accommodation and was surprised to find 
that in some cases the degree of myopia _increase_. Strong base-in prisms 
produce considerable distortion, and a possible explanation is that in trying 
to fuse the distorted images, the eyes were forced to incyclorotate in 
antagonism to each other, and this in turn required the superior oblique 
muscles to maintain contraction as long as the image was fused, thereby 
exerting pressure on the globe and maintaining accommodation. 

Scientific Error 

It is highly unlikely that such well-established concepts as the theory of 
accommodation and the role of the crystalline lens could be wrong. The 
relaxation theory is extremely well documented and for more than forty years 
has been considered the only acceptable explanation of how the eye 
accommodates for near vision. The possibility that many researchers in many 
different countries could be wrong about such a basic theory will not be taken 

Nevertheless, there have been a few cases of major reversals of scientific 
opinion. The case of nervous system plasticity provides a good example. For 
more than fifty years it was universally believed, and confirmed by hundreds 
of experiments by reputable scientists, the plasticity of the central nervous 
system allowed any muscle nerve to reconnected to any other muscle and, with 
training, achieve full restoration of function. it is now known that this is 
not true. 

According to R.W. Sperry, "During the past 15 years, however, scientific and 
medical opinion has undergone a major shift, amounting to an almost complete 
about-face ... The evidence for this view, which comes from new experiments 
and exacting clinical observations, is so persuasive that it is difficult to 
understand how the opposite view could have prevailed for so long. It appears 
that most of the earlier reports of the high functional plasticity of the 
nervous system will go down in the record as unfortunate examples of how an 
erroneous medical or scientific opinion, once implanted can snowball until it 
biases experimental observations and curshes dissenting opinions...Hundreds 
of experiments seemed to support the now-discounted opinion..." (28). 


1. An experiment in long-term compression of the globe of the eye created 
monocular diplopia, seen as two separate images superimposed, one on the 

2. It is hypothesized that the cause of this effect was the spherical 
aberration of the crystalline lens resulting from pressure of the superior 
oblique muscles transmitted through the sclera, which forced the vitreous 
forward, pressing it against the posterior surface of the lens. 

3. This suggests a role of the vitreous in normal accommodation, i.e. that 
ciliary contraction pulls the vitreous forward to mold the lens. 

4. This vitreous-mediated accommodation may be enhanced by additional 
compression from the vitreous from an external source, the action of the 
extraocular muscles. 

5. The extremely slow changes in lens shape strongly implicate nearwork in the 
etiology of myopia. Because of the slowness of recovery from accommodation, 
long periods of accommodation with insufficient intervals of rest result in a 
lens that becomes permanently accommodated. The accommodated state of the lens may be additionally enhanced by the action of the extraocular muscles in 
nearwork, particularly reading. 

6. The argument that myopic lenses are not accommodated because they tend to 
be thin could be explained by long-term compression. This could produce an 
accommodated lens with either a flattened periphery and convex axial region, 
or a thin lens with accommodative changes in the nucleus. 

It would be curious if, after the tremendous amount of work and speculation on 
the causes of myopia, the answer turned out to a simple one, the kind of 
answer that might be given by a layman applying superficial logic. Assume that 
this hypothetical layman hears a brief explanation of the mechanism of 
accommodation: that when looking at distant objects the lens becomes somewhat 
flat, but that in order to see near objects clearly, it becomes more 
spherical; and if it were able to retain its spherical form while looking at 
distant objects, they would be seen as blurred since the eye is adjusted for 
near vision. Then he is given a brief description of myopia, that the myope 
sees near objects clearly, but distant objects are seen as blurred. He is 
further told that the longer the eye is focused on a near object, the longer 
it takes to change its shape. It would be not at all surprising if he made the 
logical connection and said, "I get it. The eye adjusted for near vision and 
then sort of got stuck so it can't re-adjust for distant vision." 

Although the lens/vitreous hypotheses doesn't resolve all problems, I believe 
it resolves some, and anyway, as Kuhn Points out, "no paradigm ever solves all 
the problems it defines and since no two paradigms leave all the same problems 
unsolved, paradigm debates always involve the question: Which problems is it 
more significant  to have solved?" (30, p. 110). 

It is interesting to consider the extent to which a mistaken theory is a 
barrier to solution of a problem, and how a new point of view can open up 
previously unconsidered possibilities. These possibilities could include not 
only finally determining the etiology of myopia, but could include prevention, 
or even cure. 

The pessimistic view was expressed by Donders over a hundred years ago: "The 
more our knowledge of the basis of this anomaly has been established, the more 
certainly does any expectation (of a cure) appear to be destroyed, even with 
respect to the future" (32, p. 415). Today, probably most eye researchers 
would share this view. 

If the hypothesis of oblique muscle/vitreous/lens connection is confirmed, it 
could open the way to new techniques to prevent or slow the progression of 
m/lens connection is confirmed, it could open the way to new techniques to 
prevent or slow the progression of myopia. Further, it is not impossible that 
a cure for myopia could be devised, e.g. invasive techniques to reshape the 
curvature of the lens. 

Appendix A.

As far as I know, the debate on the etiology of myopia between those who claim 
a hereditary basis and those who point to  environmental causes still favors 
the former. Nevertheless, the reports of a relationship between nearwork and 
myopia should not be ignored. No one would dispute that the most common form 
of nearwork and the most "unnatural" use of the eyes is reading. Because the 
continuous horizontal scanning movements of the eyes in reading with downward 
gaze require alternate contraction and relaxation of the oblique muscles, I 
decided to simulate this condition in an enhanced form to determine if such 
contraction could produce elongation of the globe. (Actually, the axial 
elongation theory is an oversimplification, in that it fails to explain, for 
example, normal vision in elongated eyes and myopia in relatively short eyes. 
The investigations of Steiger (2) and others produced a shift in emphasis to 
the question of the variability of the different ocular components and how 
they interact with each other to produce emmetropia (absence of a refractive 
error) or ametropia (presence of a refractive error). 

Because the eye muscles are not subject to individual voluntary control, it 
was necessary to devise some means to force the superior obliques to contract 
while maintaining relative relaxation of the other extraocular muscles. I 
thought that the natural tendency of the eyes to fuse to disparate images 
could be utilized for this purpose. I constructed a viewing device which 
contained two identical photographic transparencies depicting a visually rich 
pattern. When the subject looked through the device, each eye viewed one of 
the transparencies; the visual cortex then fuses the two images to form a 
single scene. The transparencies were then incyclorotated, i.e. as seen by the 
subject, the right-side image was rotated counterclockwise and the left-side 
image was rotated clockwise. In order to maintain fusion of the two images, 
each eye must then rotate in the same direction as the image it is viewing, 
i.e. the upper end of the vertical meridian of each eye leans nasalwards. 

The movement of incyclorotation is effected principally by the superior 
oblique muscles, but there is a limit as to how far the globe can rotate, 
since this is opposed by the check ligaments and other fascial structures of 
the orbit. If an effort is made to maintain fusion, the traction of the 
superior obliques, which wrap part way around the globe, will exert pressure 
in the general area of the equatorial meridian. 

The device was later modified for portable use to facilitate long-term 
viewing. Instead of viewing transparencies, the subject looked through a 
system of mirrors that tilted in like manner any scene viewed. The amount of 
tilt (incyclorotation) varied  between 6 and 12 degrees. This is not to say 
that if the images are rotated, say, 8 degrees, each eye will also rotate 
exactly 8 degrees; eye rotation can be as much as 2 degrees less. This is 
because of Panum's fusional area, which in stereopsis allows the image to be 
pulled apart by some 2 degrees before being broken up into two separate 
images. The images are actually pulled apart on the retina, but a supra-
retinal function maintains perception of a single image (33). In order to 
eliminate any stimulus to accommodation, distance fixation of at least six 
meters was maintained. 

Because I was unable to make axial length measurements, I had to rely on 
changes in the visual acuity to determine if there had been any changes in 
axial length. Thus, if my visual acuity began to deteriorate in the course of 
the experiment, this could be an indication that the globe had elongated, 
presumably due to compression of the globe by the superior obliques. 

Appendix B.

Spherical aberration

Spherical aberration is that condition in which the rays passing through a 
convex lens do not all come to a focus on a single point. Ivanoff (4) and 
others have shown that spherical aberration is normal in the human eye. When 
the eye is ate rest the spherical aberration is positive, which means that the 
rays passing through the periphery of the lens come to a focus in front of 
rays passing through the axial region of the lens. As the lens accommodates to 
view a near object and begins to change its shape, the spherical aberration 
decrease, and at around 3 diopters there is almost no aberration at all, i.e. 
all the rays come to a focus at the same point. If the eye accommodates 
further, the aberration begins to reverse, in which case the peripheral rays 
come to a focus at a point behind the axial rays. 


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