Portrait of Ferdinand von Arlt Frontispiece
1. Patagonians 2
2. African Pigmies 3
3. Moros from the Philippines 6
4. Diagram of the hypermetropic, emmetropic and myopic eyeballs 11
5. The eye as a camera 13
6. Mexican Indians 15
7. Ainus, the aboriginal inhabitants of Japan 16
8. The usual method of using the retinoscope 18
9. Diagrams of the images of Purkinje 24
10. Diagram by which Helmholtz illustrated his theory of accommodation 27
11. Portrait of Thomas Young 28
12. Portrait of Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz 31
13. Demonstration upon the eye of a rabbit that the inferior oblique muscle is an essential factor in accommodation 40
14. Demonstration upon the eye of a carp that the superior oblique muscle is essential to accommodation 41
15. Demonstration upon the eye of a rabbit that the production of refractive errors is dependent upon the action of he external muscles 42
16. Demonstration upon the eye of a fish that the production of myopic and hypermetropic refraction is dependent upon the action of the extrinsic muscles 43
17. Production and relief of mixed astigmatism in the eye of a carp 45
18. Demonstration upon the eyeball of a rabbit that the obliques lengthen the visual axis in myopia 46
19. Demonstration upon the eye of a carp that the recti shorten the visual axis in hypermetropia 47
20. Lens pushed out of the axis of vision 48
21. Rabbit with lens removed 49
22. Experiment upon the eye of a cat, demonstrating that the fourth nerve, which supplies only the superior oblique muscle, is just as much a nerve of accommodation as the third, and that the superior oblique muscle which it supplies is a muscle of accommodation 50-51
23. Pithing a fish preparatory to operating upon its eyes 52
24. Arrangements for photographing images reflected from he eyeball 55
xx List of Illustrations
25. Arrangements for holding the head of the subject steady while images were being photographed 56
26. Image of electric filament on the front of the lens. 57
27. Images of the electric filament reflected simultaneously from the cornea and lens 58
28. Image of electric filament upon the cornea 60
29. Image of electric filament on the front of the sclera 62
30. Images on the side of the sclera 63
31. Multiple images upon the front of the lens 64
. Reflection of the electric filament from the iris 6533. Demonstrating that the back of the lens does not change during accommodation. 67
34. Straining to see at the near-point produces hypermetropia. 90
35. Myopia produced by unconscious strain to see at the distance is
increased by conscious strain 91
36. Immediate production of myopia and myopic astigmatism in eyes previously normal by strain to see at the distance 92-93
37. Myopic astigmatism comes and goes according as the subject
looks at distant objects with or without strain. . 94
38. Patient who has had the lens of the right eye removed for cataract
produces changes in the refraction of this eye by strain 96-97
39. A family group strikingly illustrating the effect of the mind upon the
vision 99
40. Myopes who never went to school, or read in the Subway 100
41. One of the many thousands of patients cured of errors of refraction
by the methods presented in this book 104
42. Palming 125
43. Patient with atrophy of the optic nerve gets flashes of improved
vision after palming 127
44. Paralysis of the seventh nerve cured by palming 131
45. Glaucoma cured by palming 133
46. Woman with normal vision looking directly at the sun 187
47. Woman aged 37-child aged 4, both looking directly at the sun
without discomfort 189
48. Focussing the rays of the sun upon the eye of a patientby means
of a burning glass 191
49. Specimen of diamond type 195
50. Photographic type reduction 195
51. Operating without anaesthetics 204
52. Neuralgia relieved by palming and the memory of black 207
53. Voluntary production of squint by strain to see 223
54. Case of divergent vertical squint cured by eye education 230
55. Temporary cure of squint by memory of a black period. 232
56. Face-rest designed by Kallmann, a German optician 254