Accommodation, 10, 26 (see also "Aphakia," "Myopia," "Presbyopia")
Arlt on, 29
Author on, 38, 54, 69
Brucke on, 29
Cohn on, 29
Cramer on, 25
Davis on, 33
Descartes on, 24
Donders on, 24, 29, 32,
38, 210, 211
Duane on, 211
Forster on, 32
Fuchs on, 211
von Graefe on, 32
Helmholtz on, 24, 26, 32
Hensen on, 29
Holmes on, 212
Huxley on, 29
Jackson on, 211
Kepler on, 23
Landolt on, 26
Langenbeck on, 24
Loring on, 33
Roosa on, 210
Sanson on, 29
Scheiner on, 24
Tscherning on, 27 de
Schweinitz on, 36, 211
Völckers on, 29
Young on, 24, 30
Ainus, 16
Amblyopia, 111, 113 (see also "Squint")
Anisometropes, 256
Aphakia, 32, 47, 95, 96
Arlt, 29
portrait, frontispiece
Armati, v, 81
Astigmatism, 12, 70, 149, 251
prevention, 251, 265
production, 12, 36, 39, 42, 43, 45, 89, 266, 282
treatment, 229, 234, 273, 306 (see also "Refraction, errors of, treatment")
Atropine, 43, 48, 50, 69, 228, 234
Aviators, 287
Barrington, 256
Bell, 184
Brucke, 29
Camera, 13, 114, 149
Cataract, 89, 111, 214, 220
treatment, 121,-2 134,158,
272, 307
Central fixation, 114, 281
Christian Scientists, 209
Cohn, 29, 78, 251, 252, 253, 254
Colds, 208
Conjunctiva, 111, 118, 122
Cornea, 12, 36, 122 (see also
"Images, on cornea")
Correspondence treatment, 246
Coughs, 208
Cramer, 25
Darkness, 189
Davis, 33
Descartes, 24
Donders, 23, 24, 25, 29, 32, 38, 210, 211, 222, 223
Dresslar, 190
Duane, 211, 225
Eccentric fixation (see "Central fixation")
Emmetropia, 11, 93
Eversbusch, 222, 252
Eye, 11, 13
evolution of, 1
muscles of, 38, 44
retina of, 114
unable to fix a point, 159
Fabre, 102
Face-rests, 253, 254
Faith Curists, 209
Forster, 32
Fovea, 114
Fox, 256
Fuchs, 211, 222, 225
Gislason, 227
Glasses, v, 8 81, 181, 219
Glaucoma, 111, 220
treatment, 121, 133, 208 Gould, 4
von Graefe, 32
Hansen-Grut, 222
Hay fever, 208
Helmholtz, 24, 26, 32, 36, 38
portrait, 31
Hensen, 29
Holmes, 212
Home treatment, 242
Huxley, 29
Hypermetropia, 10, 222,251,266
prevention, 251, 266
production, 14, 39, 42, 53,
63, 65, 66, 75, 89, 266
treatment 229, 234, 273
(see also "Refraction,
errors of, treatment")
of imperfect sight, 148, 172, 219,
280, 282
of normal sight, 138, 172, 180
Images, 24, 54
on cornea, 24, 54, 59, 60, 64,
on iris, 59, 63, 65
on lens (back of), 24, 54, 62, 67
on lens (front of), 24, 54
on sclera, 59, 62, 63, 64
Imagination, 148, 165, 217
Indians 2, 15, 256
Insanity, 280
Iritis, 121, 122
Jackson, 211
Johnson, 37
Jupiter. moons of, 103, 121, 275
Just, 254
Kelly, 308
Kepler, 23
Lancaster, 83
Landolt, 23, 26, 86
Langenbeck 24
Lawson, 255
Lens (see "Accommodation,"
"Cataract," "Images," "Presbyopia")
Light, 78, 123, 183, 253, 261
Loring, 33
Macaulay, 275
Macula 114
Memory, 126, 136, 151, 202, 274
Military training, 284
Mind, 89, 106, 115, 148, 196, 274, 295 (see also "Memory")
Montessori, 106
Moros, 6
Morphine, 289
Motais, 256
Moving pictures, 108, 161, 192
Muscae volitantes, 176, 236
Muscle, ciliary, 11, 29, 75, 85, 211, 215 (see also "Atropine")
Muscles, external, 32, 37, 38, 89
Myopia, 8, 10, 222 (see also "Accommodation")
Barrington on, 256
Cohn on, 251, 252, 253, 254
Donders on, 309
Eversbusch on, 252
Fox on, 256
Just on, 254
Lawson on, 255
Motais on, 256
Pearson on, 256
prevention, 8, 39, 251, 259
production, 2, 11, 14, 63, 65, 75, 89, 109, 257
Risley on, 253
Roosa on, 308
Sidler-Huguenin on, 8, 82, 256
Steiger on, 256
treatment, 8, 82, 120, 141, 157, 158, 170, 251, 259, 271
299 (see also "Refraction, errors of, treatment")
Tscherning on, 252
Neuralgia, 207
Night blindness, 281, 283
Nystagmus, 117
Ophthalmology, 1, 214
Ophthalmometer, 34, 60, 66
Ophthalmoscope, 23, 117, 160
Optic nerve, 89, 108, 111, 112, 122, 127, 157
Optimums, 198
Pain, 133, 155, 202, 288
Palming, 123 (see also "Memory")
Paralysis, 131
Parsons, 184
Patagonians. 2
Pearson, 256
Pessimums, 198
Pigmies 3
Polyopia, 112, 149, 174, 178, 179, 283
Presbyopia, 210
Pupil, 190, 214
Purkinje, 24, 25
Ray, 37
Reading, 192
Refraction, errors of (see also "Astigmatism," "Hypermetropia," "Myopia")
cause, 1, 14, 89, 106 (see also
occurrence, 5, 75, 98, 251,
prevention, 1, 245, 285, 288
production, 14, 38, 62, 75, 89, 106, 114
treatment, 1, 101, 112, 118, 123
136, 148, 159, 183, 242 246, 259 270, 274
Refraction, variability of, 10, 75, 85, 213, 215, 286, 287
Relaxation (see "Refraction, errors of, treatment")
Retina, 89, 109, 111, 114, 220
Retinoscope, 17, 110, 137
Rheumatism, 208
Risley, 253
Roosa, 210, 308
Rosenau, 4
Sanson, 29
Saturn, rings of, 121
Scheiner, 24
School-books, 192, 253
de Schweinitz, 36, 211
Sclera (see "Images, on sclera"), 177 185 186
Scott, 4
Sense, nerves of, 108
Shifting, 159
Sidler-Huguenin, 8, 82, 256
Snellen, 19
Snellen, jr., 69
Snellen test card, 19, 200, 242, 244, 268, 287
Soldiers and sailors, 5, 284
Squint, 112, 117, 118, 221, 227, 272
Steiger, 256
Stevens, 222
Strain, 89, 106, 115, 172, 178, 192, 257
Swinging, 159
Truth, 74
Tscherning, 27, 30, 252
Verhoeff, 184
Vision, defects of, 4. 264 (see also "Refraction, errors of, occurrence;" "Refraction, variability of")
limits of, 104, 121
military standards of, 5
Vision, primitive, 1, 2, 3, 6, 15 16, 121, 267, 275
standard of normal, 19, 123
Visual centers, 108, 123
Völkers, 29
Webster, 35
Whooping cough, 208
Woinow, 33
Worth, 222, 223, 225
Young, Dr. A. G., 193
Young, Dr. Thomas, 24, 30
portrait, 28